One Tree Planted is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to global reforestation and they make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife.
In 2021 alone, over 25.5 million trees were planted across 42 countries.
One Tree Planted holds a platinum seal of transparency from GuideStar;as well as a 100% rating for impact and results from Charity Navigator.
Whilst One Tree Planted are dedicated to reforestation across the globe, their projects in Australia include restoring the forests affected by the devastating 2019-20 Black Summer Bushfires.
For every gift box purchased online, Gifting Hero makes a donation to One Tree Planted.
One Tree Planted and their partners then grow the tree saplings and plant them in the rainy season, where the re-establishing of habitats are most in need.
Not only do they plant, water and monitor the trees, they report on the impact your donation has had!
For every gift box purchased online, we make a donation to One Tree Planted. Every three months, we tally our orders and make our donation to One Tree Planted. You can also donate directly via their website.